Corporate Intelligence

Economic crime is on the rise. Doing business today entails financial, commercial and operational risks. Even worse, working with disreputable and unqualified partners can damage your company’s reputation. You need to be assured about the integrity of new employees, business partners as well as the validity of the information provided to you. We provide objective, clear and targeted investigative research of data. Corporate Intelligence is the collection and analysis of facts and other relevant information that helps businesses make intelligent and informed decisions regarding third party business agents, proposed mergers and acquisitions targets, new employees and other potential investment targets across the globe.
Our team consists of accountants, computer forensic specialists and fraud experts who specialize in Corporate Intelligence analysis. We make the most of our diversified knowledge to help create value for clients. We‘ll set up a team for you with the best possible people for the job.
We have the constant support of the regional and international PwC network. We combine the sources with market intelligence from expert industry and contacts both within and outside the global PwC network. In this way, we help our clients manage risks and achieve strategic goals with greater assurance. 

Potential Issues 

You want to gain an understanding of the integrity of new business partners.

You need information on a company’s background, main activities, management structure and key shareholders.

You want to trace any reputation, litigation and compliance records of new business partners.

You need to know if a business partner is associated with organized crime, terrorist groups, money laundering, bribery, or corruption acts.

You want to assess the integrity, work experience and reputation of senior management involved in a company.

You need to know whether a company, or its principals, has a track record of bankruptcy or solvency issues that might threaten the supply chain.

You want help in employee and due diligence background verification on individuals who relate to your company.

You need assistance in employment screening.

We provide Corporate Intelligence analysis which comprises of in depth background checks on legal and natural persons. Our research and recommendations seek: (a) to help businesses minimize financial, commercial and reputational exposure regarding potential intermediaries, suppliers and investment targets, and (b) negotiate better deal terms or avoid getting involved with disreputable partners.

How we can help you

For companies

  • Main company details.
  • Domain details.
  • Activities and market reputation.
  • Company management.
  • Background checks of senior management.
  • Shareholder structure.
  • Regulatory standing.
  • Litigation history.
  • International watch-lists.
  • Other specific questions or issues raised by the client.

For individuals

  • Education.
  • Career.
  • Corporate interests.
  • Regulatory standing.
  • Industry source commentaries.
  • Hobbies/Interests
  • Litigation.
  • International watch lists.
  • Other specific questions or issues raised by the client.

Our Services

  • Integrity and enhanced due diligence on individuals.
  • Integrity and enhanced due diligence on companies.
  • Investigative research support in investigation or legal disputes.
  • Employee and due diligence background verification on individuals.
  • Employment screening.

We obtain access to information from a variety of public and open sources such as the Cypriot Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver, internet, international watch lists, court records and media sources. Research methods include direct access to the international data universe of online sources and specialized databases that provide information for over 100 million companies over the world. We combine the sources with market intelligence from the industry and knowledgeable individuals both within and outside the global PwC network.

Contact us

George Lambrou

Partner, Advisory, Head of Risk, Compliance & Regulation, In charge of CIFs, PwC Cyprus

Tel: +357-22555728

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