New world. New skills.

Everyone should be able to live, learn, work and participate in the digital world

Our jobs are changing, and fast. Many roles are disappearing altogether, while new ones are springing up. The discrepancy between the skills people have and those needed for jobs in the digital world is one of the most critical problems of our time. The need to upskill is a complex problem that will require decision-makers — educators, national, regional and local government administrators and business leaders — to come together. Over the next four years, we at PwC are committing US$3bn to upskilling. This will primarily be invested in training our people, and in technologies for supporting clients and communities. Together we can grow tomorrow’s workers today. In the process, we’ll make the world a more resilient, more capable and more inclusive place.

PwC Cyprus presented the “New World, New Skills” programme

PwC Cyprus presented the “New World, New Skills” programme to media representatives, at an event held on Wednesday, 27 November 2019. The programme is part of the PwC international network’s commitment to deal with the growing mismatch between existing skills and those required in the digital world. On a local level, PwC Cyprus is committed to invest €2m over the next four years in actions and initiatives that aim to spread digital knowledge and strengthen the skills that are required in the digital era.

Bob Moritz, Global Chairman, previews PwC's 22nd CEO Survey

Upskilling: Bridging the Digital Divide

Upskilling for the digital world has become a priority for society, organisations and governments. The world is at an inflection point, and we need to act now, collectively, to tackle this major, global issue before we risk excluding great swathes of society from the workplace. Watch this trailer of our short documentary “Bridging the Digital Divide".


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New World. New skills.


Contact us

Konstantina Logotheti

Head of Marketing and Communications, PwC Cyprus

Tel: +357-22555108

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