Any organisation considering a deal needs to check all the assumptions it is making about that deal. Due diligence provides the buyer with an analysis of all the available financial and operational information. It uses past trading experience to form a view of the future of a business and ensure there are no ‘black holes’.
When a company is up for sale - or selling off one of its parts - it may need to show an in-depth report on its financial health to potential buyers. This is called vendor due diligence. Vendor due diligence aims to address the concerns and issues that may be relevant to even the most demanding purchaser. For vendors undertaking a disposal or selling off a part of their own business, vendor assistance provides bespoke solutions to assist you in successfully completing your divestments.
Our vendor assistance specialists work alongside company management throughout the process, ensuring that opportunities and issues are understood and the correct steps are taken. Vendor assistance can help companies add credibility to the facts, figures and information provided in a sales process.