Customer Strategy & Experience

With PwC Experience Consulting, we ensure transformative
customer experiences that highlight efficiency, reduce friction,
and value human connection.

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Experience is everything. Get it right.

A superior customer experience promotes loyalty, boosts sales, and triggers positive referrals. Despite the best intentions, many companies experience a gap - the ‘experience disconnect’, caused by over-emphasizing flashy design or advanced technology, rather than focusing on the real essentials of customer experience: speed, convenience, consistency, friendliness, and a human touch.

At PwC Experience Consulting, we’re dedicated to bridging this gap, fostering more humanized technology, and empowering employees to create stellar customer experiences. Remember, getting the customer experience right results in tangible business outcomes - that’s the power of a truly great customer experience.

Our Expertise:
Shaping Human-Centered Experiences

Understanding Customer & Employee Perspectives

Harnessing deep customer and employee insights, we drive sustainable business growth and enhance loyalty - a golden ticket for your brand’s success.


Persona Development & Impactful Customer Journey Mapping

With meticulous journey mapping and persona creation, we amplify the power of your customer interactions, creating touchpoints that convert and retain.


Customer-focused Operational Models

Transforming operations to be truly customer-centric, we uplift your user experience, making your brand a beacon for customer satisfaction in your industry.


Aligning and Enacting your Customer Strategy

We design comprehensive go-to-market strategies that resonate with your customer experience vision and roadmap.


Engaging UX/UI Design

We create digital interfaces that captivate and ease customer interaction, bolstering the overall user experience.


Revolutionizing Employee Experiences

We devise and execute pioneering employee programs and campaigns, setting new standards for what’s exceptional.


Design Thinking Workshops: A Gateway to Innovation

We facilitate immersive workshops that leverage Design Thinking principles, helping your team foster a customer-centric approach and drive innovation.


Prototyping & Validation for Excellence

We perfect designs through iterative prototyping and extensive testing, ensuring utmost effectiveness prior to launch.

Creating Future-ready Digital Products & Services

Blending technology and creativity, we deliver digital solutions that speak volumes about your brand, reinforcing your industry standing.


Web3 Solutions for Next-gen User Experience

Leveraging Web3 technologies, we offer secure, decentralized solutions that future-proof your user experience, fostering trust and reliability.


Metaverse, Digital Twins & Cutting-edge Technologies

We bring your Digital Transformation vision to life, integrating emerging technologies like Digital Twin, AR, VR, IoT, AI Vision, Machine Learning, opening doors to immersive experiences.

Agile Delivery & Enterprise Platform Transformation

We ensure agile realization of experiences, transforming business applications. With a human-centered approach, we align enterprise platforms like SAP, Salesforce, Oracle, Adobe with your transformational goals.


We have the talent, techniques,
and tools
you need to attract and retain customers.

There is no shortage of ideas – but having the confidence to know which one to invest in is key. This relies on knowing what to build, for whom, and when.

Innovation is about pushing boundaries to explore new possibilities. Combining the converged powers of Business, Experience, and Technology to help you develop and deliver memorable products, solutions, and experiences. We help you identify and accelerate your best ideas so that you can create, attract, and retain customers.

Experience Center

At PwC, our Experience Consulting team collaborates with the PwC
Experience Center to curate innovative, comprehensive solutions.
Bridging strategy, design, and technology into a unified force,
propelled by agile methodologies and design thinking, to amplify
customer satisfaction and accelerate your digital transformation.

Visit the PwC Experience Center


PwC Cyprus Experience Center

Contact us

Vassilios Vrachimis

Partner - Chief Digital Officer - Head of Consulting, In charge of Health & Government & Public Services, PwC Cyprus

Tel: +357-22555128

Yiannis Lapatas

Director / Experience Center, PwC Cyprus

Tel: +357-22555727

Maria Solomou

Senior Manager / Experience Center, PwC Cyprus

Tel: +357-22555585

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