Funds Tax Services

Our funds tax specialists provide all-around funds tax support both to our clients as well as our in-house dedicated funds team.

How can we help?

  • Selecting a suitable fund vehicle.
  • Adopting and implementing an effective tax structure for your fund.
  • M&A transactions.
  • Reporting on the tax implications for the fund, the fund managers and investors.
  • Optimising profit distributions and other cash flows.
  • Tax administration and tax compliance for the fund, the fund managers and investors.
  • Access to a reputable international network of funds tax specialists.

Contact us

Nicos P Chimarides

Partner, International Clients Services, PwC Cyprus

Tel: +357-22555000

Christos Charalambides

Partner, Head of Tax Advisory, PwC Cyprus

Tel: +357-22553617

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