Forensic Technology Solutions

We've heard a lot lately about successfull attacks on corporate IT systems, as well as the other fraud cases resulting in stolen financial information or intellectual property and serious damage to business. It's crucial to detect these threats early on and prevent them, which often requires deep analysis of electronic information and technical expertise.

Potential Issues

  • Efficiency in analysing corporate e-mails, documents and other user files
  • Recovering deleted files or decoding secure data
  • Creating copies of electronic data (for example, copies of hard drives of personal computers) to save during litigation proceedings
  • Analysing corporate management information systems to detect fraud and violation of law 
  • Analysing data from mobile devices including telephones, smartphones, iPhone/iPad, etc.
  • Locating an expert witness to provide computer forensics expert testimony in a court of law
  • Processing data in compliance with computer forensics requirements and international regulations

How we can help you

  • Assurance that the investigation was efficient and no material data was overlooked
  • Confidence that the information collected during the investigation complies with all computer forensics standards and can be used as evidence in court
  • An easy-to-read report that does not require any specific knowledge of IT

Our Services

  • Computer forensics using new technologies
  • E-Discovery
  • Data search, analysis and safety
  • Recreation of deleted files and decoding secured data
  • Data processing in compliance with computer forensics requirements and international regulations
  • Analysis of data from mobile devices, including telephones, smartphones, iPhones/iPads etc.
  • Attending hearing and testifying as experts based on computer forensics results
  • Issue of expert opinions
  • Data consolidation for the purpose of further analysis
  • Development of technological solutions supporting an efficient analysis of corporate e-mails, documents and other user files


Contact us

George Lambrou

Partner, Advisory, Head of Risk, Compliance & Regulation, In charge of CIFs, PwC Cyprus

Tel: +357-22555728

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